Music News

Pearl Jam lists beneficiaries of Home Shows

Returning to their roots really paid off for Pearl Jam.
More importantly, it paid off for the handful of organizations that stand to benefit from the nearly $11 million raised between the two Home Shows in Seattle and the Away Shows in Boston, Chicago and Montana.
“From the start, we hoped businesses, foundations and individuals would see themselves in this work,” said Pearl Jam guitarist, a lifelong Seattle resident. “The Home Shows initiative is about bringing the issue of homelessness closer to all of us — increasing our understanding of a complex issue, our empathy for our neighbors experiencing homelessness and our resolve for working together.”
Pearl Jam teamed up with more than 170 organizations in Seattle alone, including corporate sponsors, nonprofit organizations, restaurants and small businesses across the city.

“Even more important is seeing our community and fans rally around this effort,” the band said in a statement. “Tens of thousands of you have taken action by signing up for the Home Shows mailing list, watching our stories of our neighbors with lived experience with homelessness, volunteering, getting registered to vote and voting.”

A 19-member advisory committee consisting of service providers, issue experts and funders have come together to help Pearl Jam determine the best recipients for the funds raised.
All Home King County and Building Changes, two Seattle organizations, are teaming up to launch The Diversion Project, training more than 300 service providers across Seattle and King County, Washington, to help people get into programs to avoid becoming homeless in the first place. Diversion housing costs $1,200 per household, compared to emergency or transitional housing costs up to $30,000 per household.
The Diversion Project is training some 300 service providers, in addition to a $250,000 flexible fund to help people who need immediate support. Some $750,000 in additional Home Show funding will be used for the flexible fund.
An additional $600,000 will be set aside for two efforts to find safe permanent housing for young people facing homelessness, including a $500,000 investment in All Home King County’s efforts to ensure every young person has a home within the next two years. A total of $100,000 will be dedicated in support of A Way Home Washington’s Anchor Communities, a pilot program aimed at fighting homelessness in Pierce, Spokane, Yakima and Walla Wall counties by 2022.
The bulk of the remaining $7.8 million raised will be divided among 100 organization.
“The Home Shows initiative is a testament to the rapid mobilization of our community in bringing in many partners to the table to charge homelessness in our community,” said Tony Mestres, president of the Seattle Foundation. “This has been an incredible effort to unite our community, both to move people out of homelessness and into stable housing, and to address the root causes of homelessness.”
A full list of the beneficiaries and the Home Shows’ efforts to end homelessness in Seattle can be found here.


Amber Healy

I write about music policy and lawsuits because they're endlessly fascinating.

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