Would You Pole Dance While Pregnant? This Lady Does Between Contractions!
If there’s anything I’ve learned from my plethora of mom friends it’s that every pregnancy and birth is different. All over the internet you can find advice from medical experts, parents, bloggers, and Google-search experts about how to deal with every little step of pregnancy, right up to labor, delivery, and beyond.
Every now and then fitness bloggers and athletes come into the collective internet radar showing that — with approval and careful monitoring from their doctors — pregnant women can still work out if it has been part of their daily lives prior to their pregnancy. However, this video from Kat Bailey, owner of PoleKat Fitness in Nottingham, England, is something I have never seen before. Between contractions, Bailey posted a video of herself pole dancing to her Facebook page. The video is awesome and I wish I was half as fit as she is.
Check it out here.