Music News

Random music news for Friday, February 18, 2022

The Queen–yes, the monarch–has launched a brand of dog perfume. Gotta pay for Prince Andrew’s indiscretions somehow, right? Now let’s try some music news for Friday, February 18, 2022.

  1. Wait: Spotify is paying Joe Rogan 200 MILLION DOLLARS? That’s double what’s been reported.
  2. A Canadian folk musician has gone viral with a song called “Crybabies Caravan.” The trucker protestors aren’t happy.
  3. Is this the best love song of all time?
  4. Snapchat has entered into a partnership with Ticketmaster to sell concert tickets within the app.
  5. Something is happening in South Korea. Physical record sales were up 66.9%(!!!) in January.
  6. Ed Sheeran has been given permission to build his own burial crypt on his property.
  7. Winter got you down? Try listening to sad songs. It’ll help.
  8. Here’s a sample of the upcoming Elvis Presley biopic.
  9. Britney has been invited to appear before the US Congress to talk about her conservatorship issues.
  10. Are you a podcast “super listener?” You are if you listen this much.
  11. Canto-pop singer Tommy Yuen has been arrested in Hong Kong. Money laundering charges.
  12. Beatles manager Brian Epstein is going to get his own statue in Liverpool.
  13. A Nickelback dad joke. Beware. (Via Tom)
  14. Got rats? Maybe the old ways were the best.
  15. There’s a biography on Factory Records’ Tony Wilson coming soon.
  16. Peleton is now in the video game business.

More news? Look here.

BONUS: Does anyone know what the hell this is?

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39665 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

One thought on “Random music news for Friday, February 18, 2022

  • Why would winter have me down? It’s the best season. Why does everyone just assume that everyone agrees with them about cold=bad and hot=good?


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