Random Music News for Monday, July 6, 2015
This is the craziest week of concerts in Toronto in a long time. U2 tonight and tomorrow and then the Foo Fighters Wednesday and Thursday. Traffic jams, anyone?
- Sam Smith says he has nothing to do with any upcoming themes for any upcoming James Bond movies.
- Here’s how some British banks are combating fraud with music.
- Blue Note is going to open a jazz club in China.
- Nope. No more live performances by the Beastie Boys. Ever. Good. It wouldn’t be right.
- Amy Winehouse has turned into a popular subject for street art.
- Nick Cave is
notnow a toy. - Billy Joel got married again.
- Apparently Lily Allen partied so hard at Glastonbury that she collapsed and had to be given oxygen.
- Paul McCartney had something to say about John Lennon’s “martyr” status.
- Elvis haunts this tiki bar.
- James Bond: the musical. (Via Tom)
- If you went to see Magic Mike XXL on the weekend, you might be interested in this list of male stripper songs that allegedly make women go crazy.
- There was mini-Spice Girls reunion this weekend. Sort of.
- Justin Bieber leaves Australia after a visit with his shady spiritual advisers.
- There’s a coup in Burundi. Since the government has cracked down on the media, reporting is being done via a music-sharing site.
- Human curation is back. That’s great news.
- Interesting that Apple Music is available in 100 countries–but not China.
- Monster headphones is looking to secure some kind of deal with Spotify.