Random music news for Monday, June 21, 2021
This is one weird looking animal. Now we’re off to music news for June 21, 2021.
- French police broke up an illegal rave in France. One party-goer lost a hand. (Via Sean)
- Porsche has announced a new infotainment system for several models. It looks cool. (Via Andrew)
- A new study claims that 47% of Americans subscribe to some kind of audio service.
- Noel Gallagher is not a fan of social media.
- Apple says that people are using Shazam (which it owns) to tag one billion songs per month. (From the Music Ally newsletter. No link. Sorry.)
- Looking for a new podcast? Podz is a podcast discovery app now owned by Spotify.
- Speaking of Spotify, they have a new thing called the Billions Club which features songs that have been streamed more than a billion times. In other words, the most overplayed songs are now in one place.
- If you’re a parent with young kids, you may be happy (or perhaps dismayed) that The Wiggles have their own streaming channel.
- WOW, but TikTok is making a lot of money. (Via Sean)
- Sparks!
- More on Jay-Z vs. the photographer.
- The “Mozart Effect?” Don’t buy into it. (Via Andrew)
- Wedding singers need to get back to work after COVID, too. See? (Sean again)
- Yay, Tom DeLonge!
MONDAY BONUS: Bean Simmons (Via Larry)

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