Random music news for Monday, October 5, 2020
I was behind an SUV on the weekend that sent mixed messages. Right next to a Jesus fish was a sticker that said “If you’re going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair!” I’m confused. Moving to music news for October 5, 2020…
- Coronavirus update 1: Gene Simmons says “One more time, people, WEAR A MASK!”
- Coronavirus update 2: The UK plans to phase in music festivals next year.
- So what can you buy at the new Rolling Stones store in London? Glad you asked.
- Nikki Sixx of Motely Crue has listed this house.
- Tommy Lee of Motley Crue says he once drank two gallons of vodka a day.
- Another Jane’s Addiction album? Nope.
- David Bowie’s people are going to release another six live albums.
- The new AC/DC single, “Shot in the Dark.” is already in a Dodge commercial.
- This sounds like an interesting recording using bowls of water.
- Songwriting inspiration can come from anywhere. See?
- Elton John thinks that John Lennon would have won a Nobel Prize had he lived.
- I gotta see this new documentary on Shane McGowan of The Pogues.
- Cracked iPhone screen? Apple is said to be working on a “self-healing display.”
- Heard about what some celebrities are doing on OnlyFans? Here’s what can happen.
- Too much information, Ozzy and Sharon.
- Just because it was never a big chart hit doesn’t mean that a song can’t become a legendary anthem.
- Johnny Cash and the moose whisperer. (Via Christopher)
- I was on this Romanian podcast that dealt with the sad story of Le Studio in Morin Heights, Quebec.