Random music news for Saturday, April 18, 2020
A good question: Why does Wite-Out and Liquid Paper still exist? If you’re of a certain age, you probably have no idea what I’m talking about, which is part of the point.
Think about that as you browse through music news for April 18, 2020.
- Coronavirus update 1: Jay-Z made some big donations to the COVID-19 cause and then laid off people from his own company.
- Coronavirus update 2: Moby has laid off people from his vegetarian restuarant.
- Coronavirus update 3: California is considering a ban on big events for the rest of the year. That could kill Coachella’s plans to run in October.
- Coronavirus update 4: Singer Christopher Cross has temporary paralysis from COVID-19.
- Coronavirus update 5: Drake is giving away a trip on his private plan as part of a COVID-19 relief challenge.
- Coronavirus update 6: Hey, clubbers! Doctors say that MDMA could help mental health issues that result from the lockdown.
- Coronavirus update 7: A very good read: “Radio in the Time of Crisis.”
- Coronavirus update 8: Taylor Swift has canceled all shows for the rest of 2020.
- Are some tips on how to use playlists to boost your working-at-home productivity.
- R Kelly’s sex-trafficking case has been moved to September.
- Snoop Dogg wine? Yep.
- Kanye says he still plans to vote for Donald Trump.
- Noel Gallagher has taken up painting to pass the time.
- Spotify has this sneaky new feature that you might like.
- Tired of the standard Alexa voice and responses? Take a look at this.
- Um, what? (Via Hector)
- Finally, here’s some fun stuff to distract you, even if it’s just for a minute.