Music News

Random music news for Saturday, May 26, 2018

NO MORE GDPR EMAILS! PLEASE! I don’t even subscribe to 75% of these newsletters! And now, for music news on May 26, 2018…

  1. Speaking of GDPR, even rock stars have been all over this.
  2. Here are my weekly music picks for
  3. I gave this interview to online magazine Hard Rock Daddy. Give it a read.
  4. Teenage Head returned to their Hamilton high school 43 years later.
  5. The Chinese are really good at arresting fugitives at concerts using AI.
  6. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has a new exhibit coming called Rock on TV.
  7. The new NFL policy on kneeling during the national anthem is one big clusterf**k. But you knew that, right?
  8. Here’s another look at how artists are illegally paying their way onto influential playlists.
  9. Muzenly looks like a useful app for anyone who goes to music festivals.
  10. And speaking of apps, Starving Artist aims to connect music-makers.
  11. Would you go over your phone if you dropped it into a porta-potty at a festival? (Via Steve)
  12. Is Spotify having some second thoughts about its “hateful content” policy?
  13. When it comes to its new racial sensitivity training, Starbucks will use rapper Common.
  14. What’s it like to stage a big Broadway musical? Weird. Very weird.
  15. WIth Morgan Freeman running into #MeToo difficulties, Seth Rogen has offered to take his place as the voice of Vancouver Transit.
  16. Is YouTube’s new streaming music service any good? Let’s take a look. (BTW, Canada will get this new service sooner than you may think.)
  17. Why would Kanye West pay $85K for a picture of Whitney Houston’s drug-strewn bathroom? For some album artwork, of course.
  18. This is fun: a history of storytelling through various audio formats.
  19. New AR technology: a wearable device that will allow concertgoers to mess with the audio mix.
  20. A sign of the times: Toronto’s NOW magazine is now looking for listener donations.

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39645 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

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