Random music news for Saturday, September 4, 2021
- Helmet has canceled their headlining tour. They’ve got COVID concerns.
- Speaking of which, it looks like it could be a tough fall for live music.
- Newsrooms need to have a lot of obituaries pre-written. I’ve got about 50 in the bag for when rock stars eventually die.
- Terrestrial radio dead? Nope. Here’s why.
- The radio industry needs to work harder on its digital listening strategies. See?
- The Sheepdogs are good lads. They’ve pledged $150,000 to charity over the next ten years.
- Remember “The Justin Trudeau Song?“
- They’re mourning in Greece over the death of this famous composer. (Via Sean)
- These are the biggest songs being played on Canadian online radio stations.
- Damn, but James Hetfield has some cool cars.
- This is creepy: A kids audiobook from 1964 called What Happens When We Die?
- What is “stem-splitting” and why could it possibly revolutionize music like we saw with MP3s? Here’s why.
- Want to own rare film of an ultra-famous, ultra-influential punk show? Here’s your chance.
- Drake did a good deed. A very good deed.
- Forget the Fyre Festival. This might have been the worst festival of all time.
BONUS: Take that, crazy Sidney Powell.
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