Random music news for Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Tyrion turns 50 today. He used to front a punk band back in the day. As for other music news for June 11, 2019…
- Canadian music sales and streaming stats from last week vs. where things were at this time last year: Total album sales, -24.2%; CDs, -30.3%; digital albums, -18.9%; digital tracks, -28.0%; vinyl LPs, -4.4%; on-demand audio streams, +35.8% (1.459 billion streams in the country last week).
- Remember the Led Zeppelin/Spirit “Stairway to Heaven” plagiarism lawsuit? It’s time for part 3 of this drama. It just keeps getting more complicated.
- A Japanese band called TsuShiMaMiRe played a 20-hour-long show last weekend, streaming the whole thing on YouTube. (Via Adam)
- Remember Keane? They’re making a comeback.
- Coachella is already selling tickets for 2020.
- Hey, Rolling Stone! Where are those new music charts you promised us?
- Toronto is losing another music venue. The Cadillac Lounge is set to close.
- Remember when the FBI targeted Insane Clown Posse and the Juggalos for being a “terrorist gang?” Here’s the original FBI report.
- Still with law enforcement, the former drummer for Five Finger Death Punch is now a cop.
- Spotify analyzed Boris Johnson. The results aren’t good.
- The 2019 iHeart Radio MuchMusic Video Awards may not happen this year due to scheduling conflicts.
- Some Slash stuff is going up for auction.
- Twenty questions for Courtney Love.
- Imagine Dragons go all VR with Beat Saber.