Random music news for Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Send in the drones. And here comes music news for May 31, 2022.
- Jack White is calling for gun control in the US.
- Harry Styles has made a big donation to gun control organizations in the US.
- The family of Isaac Hayes is furious at Donald Trump for using one of his songs for entrance music at the NRA convention in Houston last weekend.
- Silverchair’s Daniel Johns is getting a semi-autobiographical movie.
- Apple has trademarked “RealityOS.” That’s gotta be for the upcoming AR/VR headset, right?
- Speaking of Apple, it’s tied in Shazam (which they own) with Apple Maps to show events and upcoming gigs. It’s starting with London and will expand from there.
- “The rise of the work-from-home rock star.” Discuss.
- Liam Gallagher vs. the hackers.
- Artists are now suffering from digital burnout and are going public. There’s even an official report on the problem.
- Van Morrisson is still pissed about COVID vaccines. (Via Sean)
- A Canadian Punjabi singer-rapper was shot dead (and shot a lot) by police in India.
- So Kate Bush is hot again. Thanks, Stranger Things!
- Oh, to be at Glastonbury…
- Uh, shouldn’t you two be watching the band instead of doing that?
- Are you part of the new breed of digital music collectors?
BONUS: How many Chicken McNuggets can you eat? This woman will beat you.