Music News

Random music news for Tuesday, October 16, 2018

It was on this day in October 1970 when Pierre Trudeau enacted the War Measures Act. It was a scary time for Quebec especially and Canada in general. And in music news for October 16, 2018…

  1. Canadian music sales and streams vs. this time last week: Total albums, -20.3%; digital albums, -19.3%; physical albums, -20,9%; CDs, -24.6%; vinyl, +30.7%; streams, +49% (1.439 billion streams last week.)
  2. Remember WinAmp? It’s coming back.
  3. The most politically divisive artist in the US is…really? Okay…
  4. Interesting: Alt-rock songs that were not hits the first time around.
  5. Another fun list: The best “fictional” songs from movies.
  6. Record labels say they’re still losing $2.7 billion a year from piracy.
  7. Johnny Lydon and his MAGA shirt. Oh, dear.
  8. When was the last time we had a technological leap when it came to the harmonica? Look at this.
  9. Do you find that you’re most distracted than ever in the digital world? You’re not alone.
  10. The Apple iTunes podcast chart is not working. What can be done? Here’s a suggestion.
  11. Report: Music piracy warnings should be stronger.
  12. Roger Daltrey of The Who had some love children issues.
  13. And now, the Amy Winehouse biopic.
  14. On that subject, will we ever see a truly honest music biopic? Maybe not.
  15. Bryan Adams is popular in India, but not for reasons you might think. See?
  16. Female artists are really getting a raw deal when it comes to attention in the country music world.
  17. Maybe the album’s death is being greatly exaggerated.
  18. Sometimes, you have to leave the trappings of youth behind. Like chin piercings.
  19. Wilco has a new $1200 box set coming. They’re also selling an axe.


Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39690 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

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