Random Music News for Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Back to work. Back to school. Back to…pumpkin spice lattes? Really, Starbucks? So soon?
And now, some music news.
- Bono wants us to stop using the word “migrant“–and I think he has a point. Here’s more from him on the subject.
- Yep, it’s Sam Smith doing the next Jame Bond theme.
- New choices in streaming services has cut music piracy by 25% in Australia.
- Meanwhile, in Japan (where they still buy LOTS of CDs), Google’s going to try streaming.
- This facility in South Korea could be the most beautiful lending library of vinyl records ever conceived.
- Bronze age music has been resurrected thanks to 3D printing.
- Next time you’re in New York, take a picture of this brand new Joey Ramone mural.
- Looking to get back into vinyl? Here’s a turntable worth considering.
- So why did police search Gene Simmons house? He explains. (Hint: Lock down your WiFi against unauthorized outside use, people.)
- Lima, Peru: psych and electronica mecca.
- This is an unlikely gig for a punk drummer from DC: a witness to the tragedy in Syria.
- Connecting Napalm Death to Margaret Thatcher. Seriously.
- Another Ozzy daughter is serious about a career in the music business.
- Ben Folds would really like people to give classical music a try.
- Abbey Road Studios has approved a multi-million-dollar expansion. Nice to see in an era when big recording studios are closing. (Oh, and the expansion will include a gift shop. Brilliant!)
- Trainspotting 2: It’s coming.