Random music news for Wednesday, August 21, 2019
On this day in 1911, a Louvre employee stole the Mona Lisa. They got it back, obviously. On to music news for August 21, 2019.
- A dog walker chased off some rapists at a Foo Fighters show.
- A grizzly bear killed a French-Canadian musician who was just out gathering sound.
- Record mogul Russell Simmons showed up in the Hamptons after a long self-imposed exile in Bali following #MeToo allegations.
- This looks like a pretty wild vehicle infotainment system.
- A standing grand piano? As in one you play standing up? Yes.
- Ed Sheeran was a really, really awful music student in college. So how did he manage to sell 150 million records?
- It looks like Apple will get into the video streaming business in November with the launch of Apple TV Plus. The initial budget for programming is rumoured to be US$6 billion.
- Colin Kaepernik: Not a much of a Jay-Z fan since he got in bed with the NFL, saying “We need to get past kneeling.”
- Spotify is in the early days with a feature that allows you to “make your own podcast playlists” using the iPhone app. This requires some exploration.
- And what’s with this new friendship between Spotify and Taylor Swift?
- Finally, Spotify: The TV Show.
- The rise of all-female music festivals.
- Here’s our first look at the David Bowie movie, Stardust. It’s not a biopic but a dramatization of an “origins story.” Johnny Flynny plays Bowie.
- There’s a Queen exhibit called Bohemian Rhapsody on now in Seoul, South Korea. Here’s a review.
- Here’s this week’s Often Forgotten Canadian Hard Rock/Metal Bands post: Helix!