Random music news for Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Hover bikes now on sale! Want. And if you want music news for November 3, 2021…
- Mark Hoppus of blink-182 played his first gig since being declared cancer-free.
- Nikki Sixx of Motely Crue is working on some books and TV shows for children. You read that right.
- The Elton John eyewear collection: Not for the shy.
- YouTube’s ad business is bigger than the entire global record industry.
- Some music artists are partnering with telecoms in America’s private prison industry.
- I’d forgotten about these TV commercials from the 90s.
- If you’re a fan of Tool’s Adam Jones and you play guitar, you’ll want one of these.
- To forgive or shun? Christians don’t know what to make of Marilyn Manson showing up at Kanye’s church service last weekend.
- Rumour: Bruce Springsteen is negotiating to sell his music catalogue to Sony. That would be a HUGE deal.
- Ever wanted to play radio DJ? Try Pacemaker.
- No.
- Slipknot has unveiled a strange new website.
- Korn singer Jonathan Davis is getting into acting.
- Still vaccine hesitant? Read this from singer Mark Lanegan.
More news here.