Random Music News for Wednesday, October 28, 2015
On this day in 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis came to an end. Phew. Meanwhile, in music news…
- Rush’s Neil Peart has a new novel coming out next month in the UK.
- Moby has a new little vegan restaurant in the Silver Lake area of LA.
- A crash course in punk rock from Carrie Brownstein.
- More behind the scenes stuff on the Adele album, 25. (Hey, this is the biggest release of the year…)
- Here’s what Apple Music on Android is probably going to look like.
- A new way to protect your hearing against loud noise (including music).
- A self-healing iPhone screen? Maybe.
- Apple’s earning’s report was awesome. But notice that they didn’t break out anything involving Apple Music.
- Cher: The Musical. Uh-huh.
- Rating all the jock jams ever recorded.
- Adele’s “Hello” video hit 100 million views in just five days.
- Spotify has taken a shot against Apple’s Beats 1 with “In Residence.”
- Meanwhile, Deezer has scrapped its big IPO.
- Looks like Black Sabbath is serious about ending it all. Just not yet.