Random Music News for Friday, March 24, 2017
On this day 59 years ago, Elvis was drafted into the army. And in music news…
- Chuck Berry apparently left behind a fortune of $50 million.
- Great question: What makes one streaming music service different from another? Here’s your answer.
- Snapchat is going to change the music industry. Here’s how.
- Take a look at some of these, er, more unusual acts that appeared at SXSW. (Via Larry)
- Buying a new vehicle? Consider “radio and the empathetic car.”
- Adele has broken some serious Aussie music records.
- Here’s why you shouldn’t rely too much on your GPS. It could cause parts of your brain to switch off.
- Geffen Records is going to be relaunched almost 20 years after being annexed by Interscope.
- Paul McCartney has a few things to say about his legacy (and John’s, too).
- Have a browse through these horror stories artists had with major labels.
- Ride offers details on their first album in 20 years. Shoegaze lives!
- In iPhone news, this “superdock” turns your iPhone into a laptop…
- …and here’s how the CIA bugs iPhones. (Don’t get too freaked out; they need to have physical access to the phone to do it.)
- Do you play Rock Band? There’s now this VR component.