Random Music News for July 14, 2014
Up until this day in 1969, you could get US bills in denominations of $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000. Is there still a $1,000 Canadian bill?
- Radiohead says they’ll finally start work on an album in September.
- It’s now Dr. Bryan Ferry.
- A good story from Spin on the world of underground rap.
- Metal group featuring a bunch of 14 year-olds just got a deal with Sony for $1.7 million.
- A witty review of Morrissey’s new album.
- The hacker-encrypted cassette mixtape. The guy was trying to prove a point.
- The widow of Lou Reed got trapped in a hyperbaric chamber. It was all a bit embarrassing.
- Here’s more on the upcoming HBO series based on the recording of the new Foo Fighters album.
- Neil Young’s Pono music player project just keeps on going.
- British band Superfood had to stop a gig in London because the roof fell in.
- Google leads to legal downloads faster than it leads to illegal ones.
- German authorities have found the largest underground pressing plant of CDs, DVDs and vinyl in all of Europe.
- Rap Genius is now about way more than just interpreting rap lyrics. This is actually pretty useful and cool.
- Going back to rap, the genre is really hot in Viet Nam right now.
- NBC is planning a musical version of Peter Pan. Starring as Captain Hook, Christopher Walken. Wait–what?
- Comparing music streaming services (including Songza!)