Random Music News for May 20, 2014
It’s okay. I’ve figured it out. I’m in Singapore staying in the same hotel as the King of Malaysia. (Hands up everyone who knew Malaysia had a king?) I’ll have to ask him about missing airplanes when we next bump into each other in the elevator.
- Here’s a list of the so-called “best music podcasts in the world.” Where, pray tell, is Geeks&Beats in all this? Philistines.
- Do you like Soundhound more than Shazam? You’re in luck. There’s been an upgrade.
- Now THIS is a speaker!
- Did you watch the Billboard Music Awards? A lot of people did.
- Speaking of which, the Michael Jackson hologram made an appearance.
- An early review of Coldplay’s Ghost Stories.
- Joe Walsh says he was a Foo Fighter for two days.
- Bob Dylan’s “Da Vinci Code.”
- Marilyn Manson’s mother just died at the age of 66. Alzheimers.
- Morrissey’s current slate of concerts starts with this video. It’s by PETA. You know what’s coming.