Random Music News for Monday, May 2, 2016
The church down the street is already advertising vacation bible school for mid-August. A little soon? And now, the music news…
- Beyonce had to cancel a show in Nashville because of low ticket sales.
- These singers had a tough time at a Bill Clinton rally for his wife.
- Jordan has lifted their ban on a Lebanese group with a gay singer. Good.
- These apps promise to help you sell your used electronics and clothing.
- The drummer who slept with 4,500 women. No joke. (Bonus: Led Zeppelin grossness.)
- Trivia question: Which female singer from Ireland has more money than Adele? Here’s the answer.
- Iron Maiden was forced to adjust their show for gigs in Beijing and Shanghai. Bruce Dickinson addressed those issues.
- The Lemmy gnome(?) (Via Tom.)
- Here’s a nice musical tribute to the Canadian Armed Forces. (Tom again)