Random Music News for Monday, November 24, 2014
Monday. Could be worse, though. Could be Monday in Buffalo.
- Ron Sexsmith has cut a Christmas single with…Engelbert Hunkerdinck? What universe are we in?
- Jennifer Lawrence sings!
- Shirley Bassey finally got to correct those bum notes in “Goldfinger.” Wait–there were bum notes in “Goldfinger?”
- Bone conduction: the future of headphones?
- The Sony logo that never was. Thank goodness, too.
- Petr Cech of Chelsea in the English Premiere League has been uploading videos of himself playing the drums to the Foo Fighters and Coldplay. He’s not bad.
- Here’s a primer on the art of using silence in video from Martin Scorcese.
- How did Red Bull become such an awesome patron of indie music? And why?
- Check out this list of 37 of the coolest and most unusual vinyl releases of all time.
- This woman gets paid HOW MUCH just because she looks like like Rihanna?
- Peter Gabriel unveiled a new song at a concert in Italy last week.
- Tom DeLonge of Blink 182 says that music streaming is just like killing elephants. Wait–did he REALLY make that stupid comparison?