Music News

Random Music News for Monday, November 3, 2014

Yeah, it’s Monday–but at least you got an extra hour’s sleep over the weekend. Except if you live in Saskatchewan, of course.

  1. Here’s a gallery of non-punks wearing Ramones t-shirts.
  2. Got $700 to spend on a Peter Gabriel box set? Good news!
  3. Why it’s time to reconsider how much streaming music services should charge.
  4. “You gave my performance a bad review. Google, please delete all references to it.” (Via Tom)
  5. Billy Corgan vs…Anderson Cooper? Really? (Tom again)
  6. Static X frontman Wayne Static has died at the age of 48. (Via…guess who?)
  7. This month marks the 30th anniversary of “Do They Know It’s Christmas.” Bob Geldof and Midge Ure will celebrate that with a song about Ebola.
  8. Speaking of anniversaries, this past Saturday was an important one in the history of black metal. (Yeah, that was Tom again.)
  9. Katy Perry went as a Cheeto on Halloween.
  10. Here are ten classic albums that will turn 50 next year. Let the box set deluge begin!
  11. Did you see Prince on SNL this weekend? Did you know the guitarist in the band is from Toronto?
  12. Michael Jackson froze his sperm before he died? Are you really surprised at this?
  13. The Irish Independent has this interesting interview with Bono on the making of Songs of Innocence. (Via Larry)
  14. Here’s a Twitter embarrassment regarding the release of a new single. Let this be a social media lesson to everyone. (Via Hector)

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39671 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

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