Random Music News for Thursday, January 15, 2015
My car looks like the rim of a margarita glass. Don’t even ask about the carpets.
- Here’s a prediction that Disney will become the biggest music company in the world.
- Are vinyl subscription services destined to be a thing?
- More medical news: playing an instrument can help save your hearing.
- This rapper will will take your daughter to the prom for $28,000. Um…
- If you fly with your musical instrument(s), you need to read this.
- The story of Justin Bieber and the gay Republicans. (Via Tom)
- Kids. They don’t even know they’re being racist. I hope.
- Want to talk like a 1970s computer? There’s a plug-in coming for that.
- Here are 16 frustrating scenarios every music fan has had to endure.
- Wait: Justin Bieber is working with Rick Rubin?
- The ex of Lostprophets sicko Ian Watkins found not guilty of possessing and distributing indecent images of children.
- There are new Bob Marley albums coming. You heard me.