Random Music News for Thursday, March 24, 2016
Go home, winter. You’re drunk. Your last call was days ago. And now, the music news.
- Here’s the lineup for Lollapalooza 2016 in Chicago this summer.
- Miley Cyrus is looking for ways to help victims of the Brussels bombings.
- YouTube hates it when you compare it to Apple Music and Spotify.
- Meanwhile, Bieber rules YouTube views.
- Here’s a fun fake story on a petition asking that the US national anthem be changed to Black Sabbath’s “War Pigs.” (Via Tom)
- RIP Phife Dawg of A Tribe Called Quest. Complications from diabetes at age 45.
- Elton John is selling this rare Aston Martin. Hey, I’ll take it off his hands.
- This major label music executive has gone to war against Donald Trump.
- These recordings have been added to America’s National Recording Gallery. It includes George Carlin’s famous “dirty words” bit. (Via Tom)
- Here’s a good interview with Keith Morris (Black Flag, Circle Jerks, etc.)
- Well, this was an interesting WW II history lesson.
- Apple and Vice get into bed together with some original TV programming.
- Holy crap! Has “MMMbop” been going through my brain for 20 years now? (Tom again)
- The Red Hot Chili Peppers are mixing their new album. This points to a fall release.
- A previously unheard David Bowie song from 1970 can be downloaded/streamed here.
- The Rolling Stones play Cuba Friday. They released this message to the Cuban people ahead of the gig.