Regular Over-the-Air Radio is Still Doing Fine in Canada, Thank You
How many times have you heard someone say “You still listen to radio?” If you’re in with the tech crowd, you probably hear that almost every day. But then again, those people live inside a tech bubble which isn’t reflective of society as whole. The fact is that millions and millions of people listen to good ol’ radio every single day. Witness the CRTC’s annual report on Canadian radio. Some highlights:
- 695: The number of commercial radio stations in Canada. For the total number, you have to add in the CBC (82), all the campus stations and any community radio stations. Twelve new FMs signed on in 2014.
- 568: The number of FM stations in Canada.
- 127: The number of AM stations operating in this country.
- 9,900: The approximate number of people employed by radio in Canada.
- $1.623 billion: Commercial radio revenues in 2014. That’s down 0.52% from 2013, but still reasonably stable in a highly competitive environment.
More details (including a market-by-market look at the industry) at FYI Music News.
Now let’s look at some other radio news.
ITEM 1: Apple Music May Revitalize Radio
ITEM 2: Why are Radio Stations Addicted to Viral Videos?
ITEM 3: With the New Confederate Flag Flap, Will Country Music Distance Itself from That Flag?