Rock My World Canada, chapter 109: Alain Caron
[Mike Carr has created a catalogue/reference work featuring all kinds of Canadian rock and alternative releases from the past few decades. Check out his a massive volume on Canadian music history entitled Canadian Alternative & Indie Reference and Collector’s Guide. It’s an incredible discography of hundreds of bands. – AC]
Bassist Alain CARON from Sainte-Eloi, Quebec was already building his chops in cover bands when, at age 14 he discovered his passion for jazz. In 1977, he met guitarist Michel CUSSON, and became a fixture in the progressive fusion band UZEB. It was during this time that CARON, up to this point completely self-taught, was accepted to Boston’s Berklee College of Music.
After Berklee, CARON focused on UZEB again for a time befor, in 1993, starting his own solo career, which has led to tours with many luminaries, including Mike Stern, Frank GAMBALE, Billy COBHAM and more. CARON continues to perform and record to this day, as well as teach bass to musicians around the world.
Find out more about this artist and hundreds of other Canadian artists in the softcover edition of Canadian Alternative & Indie Reference and Collector’s Guide. Get your copy here. Follow Mike on Facebook and Twitter.