Rock My World Canada, chapter 129: Antoine Fafard
[Mike Carr has created a catalogue/reference work featuring all kinds of Canadian rock and alternative releases from the past few decades. Check out his a massive volume on Canadian music history entitled Canadian Alternative & Indie Reference and Collector’s Guide. It’s an incredible discography of hundreds of bands. See below to see how you can help him achieve this.– AC]
Antoine Fafard is already known in the fusion world for his work as bass player in the band Spaced Out. He also composes background music for television and performs as a session bass player. More recently, his renewed interest in the classical guitar inspired him to release his first solo album, Solus Operandi. Canadian-born and UK-based Antoine has been releasing original instrumental music for more than 15 years.
He actualizes his musical vision with harmonic and melodic elements that are mostly composed on the classical and electric guitar, while special attention is always given to the rhythm.

Find out more about this artist and hundreds of other Canadian artists in the softcover edition of Canadian Alternative & Indie Reference and Collector’s Guide. Get your copy here. Follow Mike on Facebook and Twitter.
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