Rock My World Canada, chapter 73: The Forgotten Rebels
[Mike Carr is determined to create a catalogue/reference work featuring all kinds of Canadian rock and alternative releases from the past few decades. Check out his a massive volume on Canadian music history entitled Canadian Alternative & Indie Reference and Collector’s Guide. It’s an incredible discography of hundreds of bands. – AC]
The Forgotten Rebels is a punk rock band from Hamilton, Ontario. With roots dating back to 1977 to the present day, the Forgotten Rebels have left a discography of seven albums and a collection of EPs and singles.
“It’s time that we be nice to each other. And if somebody’s acting out of line, he gets his ass kicked. Racism is stupid,” lead singer and founder Mickey Desadist has stated. “People should listen to our music for what it is. I was making fun of rednecks in “Bomb the Boats”. More than anything, I was just making fun of that. But I guess it came across the wrong way.”
The first full length album was released in 1979 entitled In Love with the System and solidified their position forever in the “Punk hole of fame” (another term coined by Mickey Desadist).

Find out more about this artist and hundreds of other Canadian artists in the softcover edition of Canadian Alternative & Indie Reference and Collector’s Guide. Get your copy here. Follow Mike on Facebook and Twitter.