Shameless ask: The Ongoing History of New Music has been nominated for a podcast award. Here’s how you can vote.
My Ongoing History of New Music podcast has been nominated for a Podcast Award, an annual…thing that seeks to recognize excellence in the field. The entire OH oeuvre has been nominated in the Music category. Now all we have to do is wait for the votes to role in. Hopefully.
If you would like to help out, start by going here. Click on the three bars on the right side of the header and choose “Nomination Signup.” From there, you’ll be taken to a series of drop down menus representing each of the categories. Ongoing History is under “Music.”
You don’t have to vote in all categories. Just pick the ones you’re familiar with.
By the way, other Corus/Curiouscast podcasts nominated include History of the 90s (society and culture and People’s Choice), Crime Beat (politics and news), and Wait, There’s’ more (politics and news). Throw ’em a vote while you’re there.
Nomination voting ends July 31. Little help?