Shirley Manson of Garbage shows everyone EXACTLY why the band had to cancel the rest of their tour. Prepare yourself.
Fans of Garbage were disappointed when the group had to cancel the rest of their summer tour due to Shirley Manson injuring herself while on the road. This is the message we got.
An injury? What kind of injury? She hurt her voice–or more correctly, she was afraid that she was going to do serious damage to it. She says:
“I came home from tour an absolute hot mess,” she writes. “So broken that my poor husband had to push me through Heathrow and LAX airports in a wheelchair. I also had a dose of laryngitis and a massive cold sore on my lip. Anyway the point of this whole story is: I was freaking out that I had somehow managed to damage my vocal cords on top of everything…”
The good news is that she was scoped yesterday and “everything is as it should be.” To prove the point, here’s a picture of Shirley Manson’s vocal cords for our inspection.