“Shut Your Dumb, Stupid Mouth About the Beatles Being Overrated”
As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ historic appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, we’ll inevitably hear from idiots who claim that the Beatles weren’t all that. Should you run across such a dumbass, please forward them this article from Noisey.
Every so often, some person—wait, let me start over…
Every so often, some total dick will start going on about how The Beatles weren’t that good or were overrated or whatever other contrarian bullshit he wants to say about the band to get a rise out of people. And all I can say is: Shut up. Shut your stupid, idiot mouth, you dumb idiot.
I get what you’re doing. Really, I do. You’re trying to shit on people’s musical tastes to either appear more well-versed in music than them or you just want to see the shocked look on people’s faces as you besmirch their favorite band. And listen, I don’t blame you for either. They’re both fun activities that I partake in on the reg. If you name me a band you like, I will find a hundred different ways to judge you on your taste. If the band happens to feature a white guy with dreads, make it three hundred. But The Beatles, dude? The fucking Beatles? You are really scraping the barrel if you are knocking people for liking The Beatles, you moron.
Read the whole thing here.
And while we’re on the subject, there’s an interesting book available entitled The Beatles in Comic Strips. It’s a collection of about two hundred strips that feature appearances by the Fab Four. That includes comics like Batman.