Music News

Signal and Mic+Line present the Toronto Mastering Roundtable

Hey music geeks and tech freaks!

If you are in Toronto and are looking to network and learn about music mastering you can’t miss this event at music and tech community Signal.

Here are the details about the event:

March 7, 2019 7pm-10pm
Signal – 112 Adelaide St. East

An evening discussion on music and audio with Noah mintz + Harry Hess + Jeff ‘fegde’ Elliott + Mariana Hutten

Admission for Signal members is free and tickets can be claimed through your Signal account

Guest admission is $7.
Proceeds going to SKETCH Toronto.

We have also reserved 5 spots on our guest list for non-Signal members to access the event for free. Please email [email protected] to reserve a spot.

Beverages and snacks will be provided.

Signal is a private community with access to uniquely designed workspaces and production studios. We are dedicated to connecting and supporting music, sound, and creative professionals through inspiring events that empower their success.

Mic+Line strives for the Inclusion of all genres, genders and relevancy in music audio engineering talks and conferences. The lines between pro, semi-pro and amateur are blurring and that’s something to embrace. We can all learn from each other.

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