Smart Earplugs? Yes. And They’re Quite Clever.
I’m a light sleeper. Combine that with my bat-like hearing (it’s often a curse) and can understand why I never, ever sleep for more than three hours in a row without some kind of very strong medication. That’s not good.
What might help would be a good set of earplugs, something much better than the foam type you can get at the drug store. This is where Hush comes in.
Hush is a wireless set of earplugs–not earbuds–that pairs with your smart phone. They seal out the noise but will let important stuff through: alarms, alerts, notifications–whatever you choose. This has the added benefit of your partner not being awakened by text message alerts at 3 in the morning. (Note to everyone: don’t text me at 3 in the morning. Whatever it is, it can wait till daybreak.) Hush also has several noise-masking programs that help minimize aural distractions.
This might work.
Gimme gimme gimme please?!