Someone has built Gilfoyle’s Napalm Death bitcoin alert
If you watch HBO’s Silicon Valley (and you really, really should), a recent episode featured a bit where Gilfoyle created an audio bitcoin alert triggered when the crypto fell below a certain level. The alert was Napalm Death’s 1987 classic, “You Suffer,” a track that lasts exactly 1.36 seconds.
In case you missed any of that, it goes like this.
An agency has built an actual real-life version of that alert. From The Verge.
Now, an Icelandic website design agency called Viska has created a web version ofGilfoyle’s death metal alert — which is just as startling as promised. Sindri Guðmundsson from Viska explained that his company watches Silicon Valley as a weekly event while a season is airing and that the team built the tool “just for fun.” The Viska team wrote a simple Javascript plugin that fetches the price of bitcoin from, then built the site off WordPress, all within three hours. Now all a user will need to completely imitate Gilfoyle is an actual mining rig at home to toggle on and off remotely.
Cool. Anyone mining out there?