Obsessed With Record Collecting? Check This Out – Sonic Boom Records Hosting ‘Vinyl’ Documentary Screening
What better place to watch a documentary about obsessive record collecting than one of the biggest record stores in Canada? That’s exactly the logic behind a National Canadian Film Day 150 screening of Vinyl this month at Sonic Boom Records in association with Ontario 150.
The 2000 documentary, directed by Torontonian Alan Zweig, takes a look at the drive behind record collecting. It focuses on the people and the hobby rather than the music itself, featuring collectors from across Canada and the US. The April 19 event is completely free, but if that’s not enough incentive to swing by, Alan Zweig himself will be there to chat about the movie.
It all goes down at Sonic Boom Records on the 19th at 9PM. Admission is free, and more information is available on the event’s website. Read on below for a synopsis of the documentary from the National Canadian Film Day listing:
“Alan Zweig’s cult favourite documentary mines the comedy and tragedy of obsessive record collecting, assembling an all-star lineup of audiophiles, store clerks, DJs, Elvis fanatics and hot jazz enthusiasts. A hard-core collector himself, Zweig uses mirror confessionals to excoriate his anti-social compulsion, while approaching his interview subjects with open-hearted compassion.
With this film, Zweig established his voice as a documentarian who is not content to be merely a fly on the wall in the lives of his subjects. Instead, he deploys the camera as a tool for engagement, rooting around in the margins of contemporary society to explore themes of beauty, addiction, love and longing in a profound and unique way.”
Details on the screening here.
Watched over the new year’s holiday on TVO and i loved it but man it depressed the crap out of me. THe people in it are way more obsessive than i am but i can see how more disposable income and a little push could turn me into one of the subjects. Great watch though.