Study Says Vinyl Collectors are Middle-Aged Loners. Ouch.
In post entitled Music: The Vinyl Frontier, UK research company YouGov took at look at the kind of people who collect vinyl. If you’re white, male, over 40 and living alone, you probably know where this is going. I quote:
YouGov Profiles data suggests that records’ resurgence is rooted in middle-aged nostalgia. When compared to the adult population as a whole, those that have purchased a vinyl album recently are more likely to be aged between 45-54. By contrast, those in the 18-24 aged group are the least likely.
Furthermore, music plays a central part in vinyl buyer’s lives. Two thirds (66%) of this group say they could not get through day without listening to music, compared to 49% of UK adults in general. A third (33%) of record buyers say they listen ‘whenever they can’ compared to 25% of over-18s overall.
Other findings:
- Vinyl collectors tend to go gigs more often than others.
- Most are vehemently opposed to illegally downloading msuic.
- And then this: “Vinyl buyers are slightly more likely to both keep their feelings to themselves (56% vs. 53%) and enjoy being alone (69% vs 66%).”
You can read the entire article here.