Random music news for Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Hover bikes now on sale! Want. And if you want music news for November 3, 2021… Mark Hoppus of blink-182 played his first gig since being declared cancer-free. Nikki Sixx of Motely Crue
Read MoreHover bikes now on sale! Want. And if you want music news for November 3, 2021… Mark Hoppus of blink-182 played his first gig since being declared cancer-free. Nikki Sixx of Motely Crue
Read MoreThe words “Houston, we have a problem” were uttered on this day in 1970. Now, the music news for April 12. How badly does a movie have to bomb before the musicians involved
Read MoreThe NME (via Danny) has put together an interesting list of 90s bands that most of us have wiped from our memory. For example, do you remember Wheatus? Or how about Curve? I
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