Ted Nugent self-owns himself with his ignorance of COVID-19

Ted Nugent, who has railed against precautions against the coronavirus from the beginning, has shown everyone that he doesn’t know what the F**K he’s talking about.

In a stunning unwitting rant about COVID-19 on Facebook, he said the following (courtesy Metal Sucks, who diligently sat through the Facebook video below in order to transcribe this bullshit.)

“This year’s tour is canceled again. The production companies won’t let us tour again this year. Dirty bastard, lying, scam, smoke-and-mirrors COVID-19 freaks.

“You know, I guess I would ask you, because I’m addicted to truth, logic and common sense, and my common sense meter would demand the answer to, why weren’t we shut down for COVID-1 through -18? There was a COVID-1, and there was a COVID-2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, -13, -14, -15, -16, -17, -18. COVID-1 through -18 didn’t shut anything down, but woah, COVID-19 [did], even though it’s 99.8 percent survivable. Why didn’t we shut down for the AIDS epidemic or the flu or the Spanish Flu or the bird flu or the West Nile flu or influenza every year?”

For the last time, Ted, the reason it’s called COVID-19 is because this novel coronavirus was discovered in 2019.

And there’s more. Ted doesn’t believe that 560,000 Americans and nearly 3 million people worldwide have died in the pandemic, either.

“They claim five hundred thousand people have died from COVID-19. Bullshit. I believe that medical examiners in all 50 states have gone, ‘I put down on the death certificate that he died of asphyxiation, but they made me put COVID.’ ‘Well, this guy was stabbed to death, but they made me put down COVID.’ ‘This guy was run over by a tandem gravel truck doing a four-wheel drift and the crows be pecking at your flesh, but they made me put down COVID-19.’”

Oh, and did you know that Ted really likes ducks? Probably just to shoot them, but still…

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39049 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

15 thoughts on “Ted Nugent self-owns himself with his ignorance of COVID-19

  • So Chicken Hawk Ted Noguts is offering medical advice?
    In 1977 and 1990 interviews with High Times magazine and the Detroit Free Press, Nugent claimed he deliberately failed his draft physical by taking drugs, eating nothing but junk food for days beforehand, and defecating and urinating in his pants.
    He failed a draft physical on August 28, 1969. After that physical, he was rated 1-Y (“registrant qualified for service only in time of war or national emergency”) until that classification was abolished in 1971. He was subsequently reclassified 4-F, indicating ineligibility for military service under established physical, mental, or moral standards.
    Ted is only four months older than I am, back in 1969, I enlisted into the Army, and went to Vietnam as a common 11B Infantryman. I volunteered to walk point in my platoon in January 1970, on Operation Cliff Dweller IV. I was with A Co., 3rd/22nd/25th. We were sweeping along the base of Nui Ba Den, and were ambushed. I was shot going to assist a downed chopper. I was medevacked by a brave chopper crew whom took rounds while they picked me up. Out of the 26 guys in my platoon, only eight guys were uninjured when I was lifted out. On an earlier mission, while sweeping the pineapple fields after a battle near the Saigon River after a battle, I was the one in my platoon to check out the VC bunkers we found. There was one dead VC in one, and when I rolled him over and his eyes stared at me though he was dead. I will never forget the stench of dead bodies there.

    • I am not a big fan of tex but I think it has been blown up to much over 30000 people died and o ask every body i see and they don’t know anybody that had died from it and if you get the flu that put it down as the covid so that they get money i am sure there is the virus but not like they are saying and I don’t trust the media after 911

      • There were 530,000 more deaths in 2020 than in any of the previous five years. The CDC says 330,000 of the deaths were from Covid-19.

  • I also went to Vietnam in late 69 until early 71,I think scumbag assholes like Nugent,who were too afraid to serve their country,but run around telling every one that will listen,what Patriots they are and how much they love our country and Flag,makes me sick,we walked the walk,while the chickenshit draft dodgers and liars,stayed home,and now they want to give Americans advice on how to live,I’d just as soon,but a bullet in their cowardly asses.

  • Too bad you lost the ‘war’. At least at one time Ted was smart enough to not get drafted to fight a bullshit invasion of a peaceful country fighting for social democracy. Despite dropping napalm on school children you and other veterans got your asses handed to you by a bunch of third world communists with AKs and water buffaloes.

    You suck. Nobody gives a shit about you or your dead friends.

    • Your mother should of had an abortion!

    • Yeah,you use a good moniker,” snake”,that’s exactly what a fucking scumbag like you is,a filthy ground crawling snake,I’d like to meet you in person,to show you what we do with fucking snakes in Western Pa.Every Vietnam Vet served with honor and patriotism,cocksuckers like you and Nugent could never do!

  • To larrylinn. I’m so glad you know all this info about Ted. That you partook in wasting your own life and valuable time to obviously research this information.
    Isn’t it great, that you can escape the truth of your own wealth and fame envy of Ted Nugent. How cool was it to learn maybe facts,? That you did something in life better than Ted? I take it from reading your post you were elated. Just as the first time when you was a young teen and had a wet dream. Now that your life if fulfilled from all the mediocre achievements can you Rest In Peace.

    • Back in 1969, I enlisted into the Army, and went to Vietnam as a common 11B Infantryman. I volunteered to walk point in my platoon in January 1970, on Operation Cliff Dweller IV. I was with A Co., 3rd/22nd/25th. We were sweeping along the base of Nui Ba Den, and were ambushed. I was shot going to assist a downed chopper. I was medevacked by a brave chopper crew whom took rounds while they picked me up. Out of the 26 guys in my platoon, only eight guys were uninjured when I was lifted out. On an earlier mission, while sweeping the pineapple fields after a battle near the Saigon River after a battle, I was the one in my platoon to check out the VC bunkers we found. There was one dead VC in one, and when I rolled him over and his eyes stared at me though he was dead. I will never forget the stench of dead bodies there.
      A majority of the VC were willing to be victorious or die. The Americans just wanted to survive their 12 or 13 month tour of duty.

  • Exact same for me. Same year in Nam. Nugent couldn’t survive going to Nam, he only shoots defenseless animals and he thinks he is a warrior. Not.

  • Ted Nugent is obviously not a very bright fellow.

    • That comment about 18 other Covids comes from a Rush Limbaugh broadcast.

  • You are such a piece of shit! Most of these enlisted men were 18 years old and BRAVER than you could ever HOPE to be. Go screw yourself…My Husband was a MARINE and died for MY country SHITHEAD!


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