Old retro radio on table with vintage green eye light background

The CRTC would like to know what you think of FM and AM radio in Canada. Take this quick survey.

At some point in the not-too-distant future, the CRTC is going to open discussion on the Broadcast Act, the set of laws governing (among other things) how radio is run in this country. It’s been a long time since the Act has been up for review–at least 15 years by my count–so it’s desperately needed. I mean, the last round of hearings happened before most of us had heard of YouTube several years before Spotify and the other streaming surfaces went live.

Before the hearings open, the CRTC would like to hear from Canadians, specifically their thoughts towards radio in this country. Do you listen to commercial radio? How often? Do stations play the same songs too much? Should streaming music services contribute financially to the support of Canadian musicians? And so on.

You can take that survey here. It’ll take 5-10 minutes, top.

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39671 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

One thought on “The CRTC would like to know what you think of FM and AM radio in Canada. Take this quick survey.

  • “McRadio” is scary, frightening, and SAD.

    It is depressing, infuriating, and INSULTING.

    Whether one takes a 200-mile road trip or listens to a station 2000 miles away, not only are the songs the same, but so is the banter, and these days, even the DJs SOUND the same. Dopey, snarky, ultra-current girls who all have the same tone of voice, whether they are in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, California or South Carolina.

    And THAT is a very important point: there is absolutely NOTHING intrinsically Canadian about Canadian radio. NOTHING. Hearing the latest Dave Grohl song once an hour every hour is (sadly) not confined to Canadian radio.

    It is the reverse of politics, or maybe the result – the media monopoly BUYS the stations/licences and then reap the profits. Half a dozen owners, maybe, playing half a dozen artists, maybe. In some cases, stations in disparate geographical locations playing the same song at the same time, and NOT by accident. How scary is THAT?

    Look, i get technology, business demands, and being efficient. But this isn’t about serving up a ridiculously unhealthy hamburger or ramming an unscrupulous, unethical, and idiotic politician down our throats. I don’t HAVE to eat that garbage or be dumb enough to pay close attention to politicians – I don’t have a death wish.

    Also, if GIGANTIC Canadian corporations are running Canadian radio, and running it EXACTLY the same way as American radio is being run, why on earth should public resources be used to ensure that ownership remains Canadian?

    If my friend in Texas drives a Mustang, and i drive the same Mustang in Ontario, is my Mustang Canadian and his is American?

    Let’s look at the strange and sad case of CKLN. Originally campus radio, the licence went corporate over 8 years ago. “Indy 88” is to “The Edge” what Burger King is to McDonald’s. Of the 4 daily on-air talent, 2 are Edge cast-offs.

    Radio is different, or at least SHOULD be different.

    It’s not, and maybe it is time to let “Old Yeller” have it.


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