The Curse of the Thrashing Doves: How Margaret Thatcher Killed a Band
[Note: This is a piece I wrote for detailing how the career of a British indie band was ruined by Margaret Thatcher. – AC]
Creative types may shudder at the thought of Donald Trump actually having a shot at the White House and becoming the leader of the free world. (Actually, it should be more than creative types; everyone should be concerned. Really.) But putting politics aside, we might also want to pray that he wins.
The Donald is one of the most polarizing political figures since Margaret Thatcher. Both have penchant for painting things in black and white, no shading allowed. Both like to demonize their enemies. Both have a rock-solid belief in their own convictions.
If The Iron Lady is anything to go by, Trump would be a great musical inspiration. Penny Rimbaud of anarcho-punk radicals Crass told The Guardian, “I think Thatcher was an absolute fairy godmother. Christ, you’re an anarchist band trying to complain about the workings of capitalist society and you get someone like Thatcher. What a joy!”
Consider some of the songs Thatcher inspired: