The Monday Diddy report. What fresh hell is there?
If you’re in Canada and looking for something to talk about over Thanksgiving dinner, you and always introduce the subject of Diddy and all the things swirling about regarding all his criminal charges. Here’s the latest.
Another eyewitness has come forward
British TV presenter Precious Muir was at a Diddy party and remembers seeing “a lot of drug-taking” by models who either later became addicts or committed suicide. She says some guests were only there to “take advantage of young models and girls” who had dreams of becoming “singers, dancers and entertainers.”
Diddy buddy Aston Kutcher and his wife Mila Kunis are thinking about moving to Europe.
Kutcher, who has been cleared of everything by investigators, says that he’s “had it with Hollywood” and that the only solution may be a move to Europe.
And here’s more about Justin Bieber’s reaction to all this talk
He’s allegedly “alienated” all those close to him since the charges were announced.
It’s about time that over hyped, fake, plastic and completely corrupt culture fails. Spread the wealth and let’s use our heads for good and progress. These so-called power and rich are completely animalistic and sub humans. Burn Hollywood burn!ii