
The New QotSA Bio Was Written By Chef Anthony Bourdain

Yep.  Chef Bourdain is now a rock’n’roll biographer for Matador Records, the label that’s going to distribute Like Clockwork.  Strange, yes, but then again, he’s one of Josh Homme’s heroes.  It starts like this:

It came from the desert.  

What “it” was, exactly, is still a matter of debate. Are Queens of the Stone Age a band?  An association?  A concept? The intermittent issue  of an unhinged Carlo Von Sexron?  The toxic byproduct of other bands?  A variously shrinking and expanding group of friends and likeminded visitors?  Or a secret society?
Whatever kind of strange and terrible mutation slouched out of the irradiated California wasteland in 1996, it’s evidently still around. It lives. It breathes. It can’t be stopped.

…LIKE CLOCKWORK is the first QOTSA album since 2007’s ERA VULGARIS and, according to its founder and only identifiable constant, Josh Homme, “ …like clockwork’ was the only thing that didn’t happen.”

Continue reading.  Who’ll be first to nail down Gordon Ramsey?

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39679 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

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