The Real Reason Morrissey Cancelled the Rest of His Tour
Yes, it’s because he’s had health issues, including double pneumonia, a stomach ulcer and a conditon known as Barrett’s esophagus. And yes, doctors advised that he take a break and rest.
But the real issue is insurance.
When an artist of Morrissey’s stature goes on the road, they require cancellation insurance so should something happen, promoters are compensated for the money they lose as a result of the cancelled gig. Having had to blow out a bunch of shows due to the Mozzer’s health issues, he’s burned through all his insurance.
While he might have been able to pull things together health-wise and finish the tour, it was just too risky to go out there again without insurance. Understandable, no?
(Via Daily Mail)
There's always some pretense or backstory with Morrissey. Do some digging and you'll discover real reason he moved to the US!