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The Toronto Songwriting School is gearing up again

[Another story from correspondent Elisa FG. – AC]

Cat. Rat. Hat. Chat. It takes a lot more than rhyming some words, layering tracks and a Soundcloud account to make music let alone write music. Certainly arguable yet obvious to its very core, to write true music you need an experience or adventure, something disruptive for good or for worse, emotions, raw or repaired or a big whack from the inspiration stick, or get struck by a lightning bolt of creativity! If all else fails Comfort Zone removal surgery may be the only way to go. Just Kidding.

Most importantly then all the formative plans one needs to write a song, (or anything really) is space. Somewhere, someplace – a safe space to even give yourself a chance to try. If given the space and time, what would you want to say with your music, even if you feel its not at the stages to call it that yet, what’s your song – everyone has one.

Toronto Songwriting School has somewhat been the city’s Hogwarts for aspiring songwriters, an institution offering unique classes and workshops designed to help songwriters of all skill levels hone their craft. Excited to announce the launch of the new Lyrics & Landmarks class is Murray Foster, founder, educator, an award-winning songwriter and soon-to-be tour guide.

“We’re thrilled to offer this new class, Toronto is such a vibrant city with a rich history and culture, and we wanted to create a class that would help songwriters tap into that and use it to create compelling lyrics.”

Participants of all skill level are welcome to register for the new Lyrics & Landmarks class,  where they’ll receive personalized instruction from Foster, while checking out Torontos landmarks and garnering inspiration.

“We’re confident that this class will be incredibly inspiring for songwriters looking to improve their lyric writing skills,” said Foster. “By exploring the landmarks of Toronto, students will gain a deeper understanding of the city’s history and culture, which they will translate into meaningful and impactful lyrics.”

Class is in session as of 1pm Saturday, May 27th 2023, and the first stop? A visit to the Art Museum at the University of Toronto, located on the St. George campus. The museum’s extensive collection of artifacts from around the world, showcases some of the cultural and historical relics you’d never thought you’d be able to see up close.

Songwriters block got you down? In search of a creative muse? Songwriting students need not look far, there may be some thousand year old something laying around the museum that may wake the creative sleeping giant in you. Musical inspiration can strike at any moment, at anytime and if Footloose taught us anything, music is precious. So why not widen your net of inspiration?

For more information on the Lyrics & Landmarks class or to register, check out the Toronto Songwriting School website at

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39691 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

One thought on “The Toronto Songwriting School is gearing up again

  • The Toronto Songwriting School rocks!!!


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