There may be charges laid over Brass Against’s onstage peeing incident
If you haven’t heard (or seen the video) yet, Brass Against was playing the Welcome to Rockville festival in Daytona, Florida, when a fan was peed on after he crawled up on stage. The video shows him lying face up while singer Sophia Urista drops her pants and lets it go on the dude’s face. Ew.
The band has since apologized, saying the Urista went too far. (Ya think?)
We had a great time last night at Welcome to Rockville. Sophia got carried away. That’s not something the rest of us expected, and it’s not something you’ll see again at our shows. Thanks for bringing it last night, Daytona.
— Brass Against (@BrassAgainst) November 13, 2021
Meanwhile, the Daytona Beach Police Department is investigating the matter. Could there be criminal charges forthcoming?
Hard to say. First, the fan was wearing a GoPro camera on his forehead, so some suspect that this was a set-up from the beginning. And this guy appeared to be more than willing to take it on his face and in his mouth. Again, ew.
From Loudwire:
The Daytona Beach News-Journal reports a Daytona Beach Police spokesman said that police got a message on the department’s Facebook account about the incident. An officer then told the person to file a report, which she did. He also explained that the department’s criminal investigations division will look into what happened.
The act does seem to be illegal under Florida statute 800.03: “It is unlawful for someone to expose his or her sexual organs in public or on the private premises of another, or so near thereto as to be seen from such private premises, in a vulgar or indecent manner.”
The punishment? A fine of $1,000 and up to a year in jail. But we’ll see, right?
Surprised at the lack of cancel culture vultures on this story…I guess it doesn’t fit the profile.
Curious to know what about this deserves cancellation? Feels like your barometer is off here.
Not calling for canceling anyone here. But have to admit that this whole thing is pretty weird. And disgusting.