Tinfoil Hat People, Pay Attention: Did the CIA Assassinate Bob Marley?
[Note: This is an article I wrote for Nightflight.com. You should check out that site for 80s and 90s material. – AC]
It might not rank as high on the conspiracy scale as the fake moon landings, the death of JFK and the creation of AIDS as a method of population control, but the assassination of Bob Marley by the CIA does have ardent supporters. It’s one of those tales that has just enough twists, turns and unexpected loose ends to make some people believe that the official story of Bob’s death by cancer just doesn’t add up.
It goes without saying that Marley was one of the great musical pioneers of the 20th century whose influence has spread to virtually every corner of the globe. (I once drove through a remove village in Indonesia to find the only store had dedicated one entire exterior wall to a Marley mural.) It’s largely because of him that reggae is the force that it is. His messages of love, freedom and peace will resonate forever, making his influence on music beyond calculation. Ironically, it’s from these universal values that the conspiracy took root, resulting in him being taken out by a cabal of secret shady forces.
Read the rest of the article here.