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Today is World Radio Day. Hug a DJ.

Today marks the 8th annual World Radio Day, a UNESCO-sponsored event that acknowledges the effect, impact and importance radio has had on society since it emerged as a consumer technology more than a hundred years ago.

Radio continues to shape lives by offering news, entertainment, companionship, opportunities for dialogue, and chances to learn things we might not ever be exposed to.

Just about everyone has a radio story. My grandmother gave me this Lloyd’s transistor for my 6th birthday. It’s the reason I’m doing what I am today.

This is a radio moment I will never, ever forget.


“World Radio Day 2019 will celebrate the theme of ‘Dialogue, Tolerance, and Peace.’

“Broadcasts that provide a platform for dialogue and democratic debate over issues, such as migration or violence against women, can help to raise awareness among listeners and inspire understanding for new perspectives in paving the way for positive action.

“Radio programming can also build tolerance and surpass the differences separating groups by uniting them under common goals and causes, like ensuring education for one’s children or addressing local health concerns.”

Despite what some people will tell you, radio is not dead. Far from it. Radio is still powerful, influential, and profitable. Contrary to what those in their tech bubble say, people still do listen to the radio.

Yes, the entire industry is in the midst of a drawn-out technological transition, but while it will inevitably move away from AM and FM, the idea of real-time audio entertainment will always be with us.

Here are some fun facts about radio worth spreading.

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39550 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

2 thoughts on “Today is World Radio Day. Hug a DJ.

  • Well Alan your buddy Bob Lefsetz doesn’t seem to agree with you. He constantly berates those that are still listening as old fogies who are not with the tech times. On the other hand he’s one of that demographic himself.
    His biggest target however, is the music industry that uses radio as a measurement of songs popularity and sales. Which these days doesn’t count for much, since it’s all about streaming on Spotify, especially with that oh so favoured group the millennials.

  • Pingback: Puget Sound Radio | Today, Feb. 13, is World Radio Day. Hug a DJ. - Puget Sound Radio

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