Tool Fans: Stop Complaining About the Lack of New Material. Or Else.
We are now at 10 years, 5 months and 3 days since the release of the last album from Tool. And yes, the band says they are working on new material–but there’s a problem. The issue is you and me, the Tool fan.
Apparently, you and I have been complaining too much about the time it’s taking to make a new record. Such negativity is starting to really annoy the band and harshing any creative momentum they might have.
This is the message sent out via webmaster Blair McKenzie Blake, who passed along the sentiments in an online newsletter from the band.
This newsletter is about positive thinking versus negative thinking. It’s also about cleansing negative energy and boosting positive energy. When it comes to the subject of the new Tool album, even though those whose negative thoughts and actions (running from pessimistic to antagonistic) are in the small minority, their negative attitudes are having consequences that extend far beyond the next Tool record (I will provide a perfect example of this later on).
And though their hostile behavior and small-mind opinions are not helping in bringing about the next Tool record in any way, shape or form, they are also not fooling anyone by saying that: “They are tired of waiting for an album and jumping ship”, or “They’ve had enough and are over this band.” Or, my all time favorite: “After being Tool’s biggest fan for 19 years, I am now disavowing my favorite band.” Oh really? Please tell me then – why is it that those who complain the loudest are almost always the first to comment negatively on any given post? It’s as if they are just sitting at their computer – day and night – waiting for any piece of news so that they can pounce with their cynical viewpoint. By doing so, they invalidate all their disavowing! To any psychiatrist worth their $$$, this would be clearly evident. (How much do psychiatrists charge? Being that I am what I would call “ultra-sane”, I really wouldn’t know.)
So stop it. You’re harshing the vibe. Don’t make a bad situation worse.
Read the whole newsletter here.