What are You Trying to Tell Us with This Weird Video, Radiohead?
Another tease for something to do with the 20th anniversary of the release of OK Computer from Radiohead?
The music is definitely from OK Computer, but there seems to be some extra lyrics involved. And note that “OK” pops up in the lower left-hand corner at around 23 seconds into the video. And what does “Program: radiohead” and “1 REM” mean? WTF, guys?
That 20th anniversary is coming up in three weeks, May 21. What else is coming down the road?
— Radiohead (@radiohead) May 1, 2017
The visual element is from a video a fan did when In Rainbows came out.
I believe “Nude” was a tune they had been kicking around since the OK Computer album. There was a lot of speculation, with some vague confirmation from Radiohead themselves, that In Rainbows was akin to a brother of OK Computer and were meant to complement each other when played in a specific order together making a super album.
As for what it all means…. taking a piss? Having a laugh?? Making us talk about them???