
U2 Gives a Toronto U2 Cover Band Their Dream Gig

Mark Baker–aka U2Brothr–is a U2 superfan. Earlier this year, he managed to get onstage with U2 in Montreal. Last night in Toronto, he managed to get his entire band–a U2 cover band called Acrobat–onstage. U2–the real thing–took a break and let the wannabes (and I mean that with great affection) do their thing.

This cover band performance has made news around the world (examples here, here and here). I ran into the band outside the ACC before Tuesday night’s show and they were still on a major high.  It’s not often a cover band gets worldwide coverage, so kudos to them.

Just before Acrobat’s turn, Adam Clayton spotted a woman dressed as a belly dancer and had Bono bring her up onstage to dance during “Mysterious Ways.” They kept her there to do a little smartphone videoing of the next song.  Marcus T shot this video.

By the way, last night’s U2 (the real U2) performance was spectacular. It was the best I’ve seen them since the inside portion of the Zoo-TV tour. That SCREEN! And they play inside it? Cool. Here’s a great article on the technology that went into making this tour possible. (Via Larry)

Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39691 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

9 thoughts on “U2 Gives a Toronto U2 Cover Band Their Dream Gig

  • Glad you enjoyed the show Alan.

    I saw them the first night in Montreal. Was by far the worst concert I have ever been too. Sat 3rd deck, looking straight at the stage. Well I would have been looking at the stage had it not been for the giant video screen blocking out 2/3 of the catwalk and centre stage (including Bono & Larry). And the sound was absolutely atrocious. I’ve been to well over a hundred shows, from tiny clubs to outdoor festivals and this was the worst sound I have ever experienced.

    I’ve sat top deck at the Bell Centre numerous times (McCartney x2, Muse, Green Day) and never experienced this before.

    Luckily that was my 4th time seeing U2 (PopMart, Vertigo & 360 previously) so I know how good they can be. I was just highly disappointed.

    I’ve been told by others that they didn’t experience this sitting first level.

    Just a warning to your fellow readers who may have tickets similar to mine. And maybe it was just an off night for the sound guy (though the line of sight would still have been awful).

  • watching the second video of the woman invited on stage, who used the opportunity to record up close on her Iphone and not actually become part of the moment, is the saddest and most pathetic example of humans being I have seen in the longest time. I loathe the invention of the black mirror.

    • i think you missed the point. the band handed her a tablet and ASKED her to record their performance on an app called Meerkat, which was then broadcast over the internet. they do it every night of the tour, with a different fan. audience interaction FTW! 🙂

  • Dear Michael.
    Bono had asked the woman to use her cellphone to record video from stage, which was ‘beamed’ to the giant screen for the audience. The technology was used to enhance the experience and bring everyone there closer, and, it worked.

  • For those mentioning the woman using “her” cell phone…that phone belongs to U2 and is used to stream one song live via the Meerkat app. It’s been done in every show this tour. If you watch closely, Bono gives her the phone and explains how to use it. The woman (Jessica) is one of my closest friends and trust me, there is NO way she would have pulled out her own cell phone while she was on stage with U2!

  • His name is Mark Baker not Davis

  • Pingback: A Journal of Musical ThingsU2 Fan Impresses Band So Much They Let Her Rearrange Their Set and Just Let Her Play - A Journal of Musical Things

  • so glad you enjoyed the show, alan (unlike that miserable, narrow-minded “music critic” at a certain toronto paper who shall remain nameless). i, too, thought it was absolutely one of their better, more energetic gigs — seen them 30x over 28 years — and that night 2 was even better than night 1. i was delighted for the belly dancer and the cover band — they both killed it!


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